Independent Baptist Support Center Of Malawi
Once an area has been effectively evangelized and a group of people have been taught in the basic doctrines of the scripture, I.B.S.C.O.M. works with trained indigenous pastors to help these groups to take the next step and actually organize themselves into a local church. The two-year program duration of this ministry is unique in that it offers these groups the guidance and instruction which is so desperately needed during this fragile stage, while still emphasizing the autonomy of the local church. Each quarter of the year we work through major goals in the establishment of the new congregation. As we continue to establish these groups in sound doctrine, we also guide them in many practical areas of need ranging from helping them establish godly leadership for their church, to Biblical lessons on how the churches finances are to be utilized in a godly way. After two years we commit them to the Lord and remain in fellowship as they grow in the Lord.