Current Building Projects
As we carry along building up the Lusangazi Mission Station, we realize that many of God's people have a desire to partner with us in the endeavor which have undertaken to build up this mission. We also realize that different people have different abilities and are limited in their participation buy their finances. We have tried to lay out our projects in light of this fact and have divided the projects into three "sizes" so that everyone COULD participate if they would like to. The following are some of our projects which have been put under different "size labels". There are Small Scale Projects, Medium Scale Projects, and Large Scale Projects.
Small Scale Building Projects
Security Wall Caps
As you well imagine, living as foreigners requires certain precautions when it comes to both personal, and property security. a such, our facilities here are surrounded by a perimeter security wall built of bricks and mortar. Although we have managed to build over 6000 linear feet worth of security walls we have yet to finish the cement cap which protects the tops of the walls from the yearly monsoon rains. This cap can be built at USD 2.50 /linear foot. This will help supplement our expenses and protect our investment of the security wall itself.
As you well imagine, living as foreigners requires certain precautions when it comes to both personal, and property security. a such, our facilities here are surrounded by a perimeter security wall built of bricks and mortar. Although we have managed to build over 6000 linear feet worth of security walls we have yet to finish the cement cap which protects the tops of the walls from the yearly monsoon rains. This cap can be built at USD 2.50 /linear foot. This will help supplement our expenses and protect our investment of the security wall itself.
The cost estimations on these projects are based on the square foot prices of over 16,000 square feet worth of completed building projects so far. as well as over 6,000 linear feet worth of brick security walls built.
Medium Scale Building Projects
For the youth ministry facility to get underway, the first thing which will need to be done is the building of the security walls. These can be built at around USD 7 / linear foot. The youth of Malawi need hope. They need direction and teaching just as all youth everywhere. We have a portion of land which has been donated to our ministry for the express purpose of building youth ministry facilities. These youth facilities will likely be the single most effective method of ministry which we have ever seen in Malawi. On this plot of land we will have the ONLY facility of its kind for hundreds of thousands of miles in any direction. Being that this ministry is currently the ONLY Bible Believing Independent Baptist Ministry in the entire northern district of Malawi, we stand to show a great deal of prudence in building facilities which would give young people a place which is set apart for the gospel. These youth ministry facilities include a volley ball area, net ball ground, 3/4 basketball court, and a covered preaching platform. This facility would enforce rules of dress, speech, music, and behavior in general. These teens would have daily Bible studies, special preaching days, and would organize tournaments and teams as they enjoy learning from this unique ministry. The cost building these walls is 7$ per foot.
Large Scale Building Projects
The Lusangazi Mission Station is more than just a place for a single missionary family to work from. The long-term hope here is to improve the way Independent Baptist missions work is done in southern Africa forever. This long-term goal will require Bible Believing missionaries to introduce Africa to future missionary families, give them basic orientation to the continent, and provide knowledge of the particularities which they will deal with when ministering anywhere in southern Africa . With the overall lack of volume of Independent, Bible Believing Baptist Missionaries in this part of the world, the inability to show examples of strong Independent Baptist works here, and serious mis-understandings in the mass conversions happening across Africa, it should not come as a surprise that there is a great need for veteran Missionaries to train prospective future missionaries ONTHE FEILD.
We are burdened to see more missionaries work in the area of southern Africa. Part of that means housing and training "new recruits" as we introduce them to the challenges of being foreigners working within the African context. We believe that YEARS worth of knowledge and experience can be handed over for Independent Baptist Missionaries who desire to get a jumpstart on their missions work regardless of which country they will be in long term. With ongoing short/mid-term missionaries staying from 3-6 months each, we have embarked on the journey of building a place for them to come and go from as they gain the much needed experience of practical missions efforts. This building will be the main center of action for those who stay in small small but adequate accommodations which surround these central facilities. This building will be a general purpose hall acting as a dinning room, class room, lounge, and accommodations for the revolving short-term missionaries which regularly come and go doing short-term (10-14 days) and mid-term (6 weeks-6 months) missions work here in Malawi.
We are burdened to see more missionaries work in the area of southern Africa. Part of that means housing and training "new recruits" as we introduce them to the challenges of being foreigners working within the African context. We believe that YEARS worth of knowledge and experience can be handed over for Independent Baptist Missionaries who desire to get a jumpstart on their missions work regardless of which country they will be in long term. With ongoing short/mid-term missionaries staying from 3-6 months each, we have embarked on the journey of building a place for them to come and go from as they gain the much needed experience of practical missions efforts. This building will be the main center of action for those who stay in small small but adequate accommodations which surround these central facilities. This building will be a general purpose hall acting as a dinning room, class room, lounge, and accommodations for the revolving short-term missionaries which regularly come and go doing short-term (10-14 days) and mid-term (6 weeks-6 months) missions work here in Malawi.
Commons Building.
This building is 1282sq feet and will serve as the main center of action for those who stay as short-term (10-14 days)/mid-term (6 weeks-6 months) missionaries. Surrounding this building are small but adequate accommodation rooms which will allow folks to share the common facilities while still maintaining their own privacy as they serve the Lord in the various capacities they are called to do so in. The mission is great, the plan is set, the land is cleared, and the builders are ready.

This building will allow ongoing access to many who have not yet raised full-time support to come and stay as long as they wish in a functional, safe, environment. While this will not solve the problem of those who refuse the call of God in their lives, it will greatly increase accessibility to the african continent in a way that will allow natural migration to this very different part of the world.
You can build one square foot of this building at a time for the cost of 30 USD /sq ft by clicking the link below and earmarking your gift as "Commons Building"