Mzuzu Bible Institute
M.B.I. Extension GroupsThis ministry is our “baseline” for establishing discipleship groups after we have evangelized an area. At the end of evangelizing each area, we offer those who have shown an interest the opportunity to register as an “MBI Extension Group” in their area. Groups that meet all of our qualifications are serviced either by myself or by one of the older students who has qualified for our “student-teacher" program. This generally results in small groups being established, and undergoing a year-long discipleship course.
M.B.I. Credit Students Mzuzu Bible Institute also offers a 3-year, 120 credit hour theological training program which has been uniquely designed to "fit" in the Malawian context and can potentially provide training to the highest level possible for pastors and dedicated Christians who are serious about serving God.
Get InvolvedIf you are a pastor or Bible teacher in the USA who holds to an understanding of Biblical doctrine similar to us, please consider coming over for one of our monthly, one-week seminars into which we incorporate other members of the Body of Christ to come and bless our students by teaching subjects which you are particularly knowledgeable and passionate about. Whether it be a particular book of the Bible, or a subject such as Christian Finances, or End-Times Prophecy, please feel free to make arrangements with me via email so that we can plan your trip!
View the current projects of the Mzuzu Bible Institute